sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

BACK FROM HELL - Google english

The dimension of the spirits has no time or space. The spirits are merely points of energy consciousness. Waiting or standing another way of energy. This is where you lose consciousness and energy changes shape.

Yes brothers. We don’t know where we come from when we are born. Because we do not come from nowhere. Simply matching variables in our dimension has allowed energy input from the other side. Creating the conditions that allow the emergence of consciousness. For any living being. Also the plants , gentlemen. Obviously aware of the vegetable world is not comparable with the animal world. But do not need to detract from what is not known. The minerals themselves are not aware, but are a form of energy not conscious. That is also a part of the other side, positive (or negative) corresponding the other dimension opposite.
This beginning is only to focus a philosophy usually not explained in this kind of writing (I wrote at first literature = pedantic). But pay attention , the Other Side exists.
Do you know what types of spirits exist?. Evidently, normal, good and bad, how people and animals that were up on a time alive. Positive or negative energy. When more positive energy has an spirit, the hidden dimension (no time) compensate for an equal negative energy . The imbalanced energy does not exists.
There are several reasons to stay in this dimension (not wanting to leave it): Ignorance of one's death, pending debts (not cheap), curiosity  to see what happens after death, and cruder; not wanting to go to enjoy the suffering of others. And there is no more grateful will  for suffering to others that a negative energy, black spirit, who wants to cross the line to cause pain, suffering and absolute corruption (Absolute perversion. Unprejudiced ).
(Dark soul - thoughts)
-Night of Saint John – 2005
It’s 80 nasty years waiting. Now will vomit everything pass by my mind to rot the existence of anyone that appears to me. The door is opening. Magnetism of a bunch of idiots doing spiritualism. Stupid pigs that deserve a monument to their aid unconscious. Serve to awaken me. Appetizer. I finally will enjoy space, body, sex, blood, pain and power. If bunch of bastards, will not want to be born. And I will be the master. And I’ll feel like a thousand years ago. Not as you imagine. Yes as the worst of your dreams (another dimension created by the aware brain). Take advantage of your short life. ngitngit nga dapit sa kilid sa mga tawo ug sa langitnong sa tawo.


The whole gang met at home to spend Saint John’s night. As a good John, had prepared a surprise. I had rented a medium. I found it online. She lived on the edge. At Sant Quintí. (Good mountain people).

We had been dining and drinking. Second longer than usual. But I felt a great atmosphere. We could met the whole gang. James, Monica, Marta, Peter, Louis and Nini, Andrew and Mariona. andGemma and Pep. Philip came alone, he separated a year and a half ago. (Gemma was shining. Uaaah ...).

The offspring was spread as we could. I desired a powerful night. As long ago with the "tropical partys" (a bright light in the memories). And my partner, Fina, was a guarantee of success.
The group had separated, as usual, but we held some contact and we met once a year, only men.

At 12:00 o'clock I turned off the light in the room and I solemnly presented the medium.” AGHATA”. It was his stage name. She told me her name, but did not remember. I called her Aghata.
I wanted to give solemnity to the presentation to relax the mood, as was people laughing and was difficult for moving to the demanded concentration.

I asked for understanding, respect and support. The medium seemed to take it very seriously, and even warned me that people, believer or not , with a bad session, could convert a nice experience to a bad time. Especially to sensitive people ,shiny and fearful. Worst moments in her career were due of people suggestion .
I directed the "troops" to an old wooden table. To create a suitable atmosphere, I said that table was bought as old. A table of rituals, and it was not very clear what their function was. (It was stained with red wine and couldn’t clean it. Was joy). Those words made its effect, because the little light I maintained, explanations on the table and the striking presence of the medium, the atmosphere was gone to I wanted.
Agatha made ​​a serie of warnings about the séance. Invited to leave those doubtful.

Resultat d'imatges de sessió espiritisme

Everyone wanted to be. And, of course, Fina and Me too.
The table was square. Was not the best, the ritual’s table had generated a hidden aura of uncertainty and nerves that could be very interesting.
And we sat as we were arriving; the medium told us how to get, how to concentrate and how to take us out hands. Aghata began solemnly. Do not flinch when a hidden smile of nerves sounded in the room. Asked especially not leaving hands until her signal. Under any circumstance.
She directed some words facing the ceiling and there would be a few minutes, if all ok, neither she might not be conscious state to guide them. We should only concentrate.
I asked the possibility to call a deceased acquaintance. She replied that it was clear that we could invite anyone, but imposible to assure success because spirits want or not transfer or could lie.
This worried me. Especially when I saw that Miss Aghata took it very seriously.
Asked us to close our eyes and silence. We had to concentrate to keep the mind blank and notice how the energy of our neighbors passed throughout the body. I didn’t believe in that, but had a little funk for what's unknown.
There was silence. We only could hear some cars passing on the street and the words of Aghata.
Kicked off with a call for spiritual beings who wanted to contact with us. The voice of Aghata, and I guess our concentration, made the silence profound, almost dream like.
I only heard the medium. I fell asleep. My brain was going to be blank. And I couldn’t wake up. The fear was growing inside me.
The heart was pumping faster than necessary. And the fear was becoming annoying. Even felt like a current of electricity inside  the stomach, as before in an elementary exam.
And the voice of the medium filled the room. Eyes closed. Fina pressed hard my hand. And in a few seconds I didn’t feel the hands of my neighbors. Fear, darkness, sleep, silence. Complete silence. Cold. Veey cold. couldn’t move. I remembered the advice of not letting go hands. What hands?. The sensation was faint. Did I faint?.
A strong smell of cologne got me out of sleep. I was on the floor. Could open my eyes. Heads went before me asking how I was.
A  long day. I felt bad lunch. Emotions, upset ,the medium. . ., Many years ago without any fainting. Bad feeling that. I didn’t expect that evening ended in that way. I recovered.
Aghata looked at me askance. She was waiting to talk to me. And asked me if we could have a chat . I tell her i was unwell. Another day.
Next day, Sunday. Sunday light. Yellow light, quiet streets. Atmosphere of Sunday. Vermouth time. Coffee in Ramon’s Bar. And then spend the broom at home. Lunch, nap film on TV. A Rumikub. Go to the gas station to buy bread. And aside from having stomachache, a normal Sunday.
Next day was a workday. Take the car to the bank agency bank in Sant Vicenç dels Horts. Very crowded arriving Molins as usual. I had that discomfort in the belly. The weekend was very busy and some things happened bécame me strange.
Radio on. First Catalonia Radio, as usual. But I needed something more lively. I found a station broadcasting a Beyonce song. (Nice ass this brunette. Beautiful. I remembered some of her videos. Great performer).
Reaching the highway exit, I found the red lights warning the cars stop.. I squeezed the brake. So my lane right as the left one also filled with cars.  The left Car was driven by a bronzed bitch applying lipstick. Thought what my wife would say if I got home with lipstick around the prick (strange thoughts.!.).
I hadn’t a disturbing agenda. I had a couple of meetings with clients and arranged a lunch with a friend from another nearby agency. While not appearing the supervisor would be fine. In fact, my life was comfortable. not complain.
Before entering the office, I stopped at Bar Capitan. Referring to the surname of the owner. Now runned by her daughter. During some months ago I dropped by there and I had not noticed in Maria’s ass. Always happy and helpful. (thought ; a good fuck).
But the pain bécame me back to reality and reminded me that I should go to the office and be punctual as always. Although today had temptation to repeat  coffee to talk with Maria. And only five minutes later, (no worry).
I arrived 10 minutes later. I greeted anyone and the recrimination look of the boss.  But it was a bad impression because he wondered if  I had any problema. As always I was so timely.
I explained the traffic. My stop at the gas station because my wife didn’t warn me about the empty tank. . . ( I couldn’t say  about Maria’s ass).
The  bellyache died down and I had a funny day. I felt relieved. Cute.
In the evening, I came home and found Fina on the phone. He then hung up and asked me about traffic. That kind of comments were normal in her. And I kind of carefree, answered anything. I started conversation:
-Who was darling?. (I felt a cold reception). Nobody!, Jazztel, they are very nagging.
Usually, a response like that, was enough, because pretended only formal conversation. But I was surelly  more sensitive than usual, because  was not normal the conversation in Catalan with  these kind of companies, which tend to contract south americans for direct marketing. ( I love that land.)
-While not a fan! . Because I would.
Shut up, fool, you are always thinking the same!. By the way, can you go to supermarket?. We have no dinner. while I'll go to the hairdresser. I’ll get to dinner.
Fina cared more every day. Going to the hairdresser more often and changing her luck. (if not my wife, I’d try).
The following weeks we made love like never before. Even I was surprised by my passion. In that way, I have no energy for others. (Lol).
I’d become more observant. And Fina had an unusual behavior. I told her . And her ability made ​​me feel like an stupid jealous.
In late July, while planned August holidays, we were talking about the spiritualist session. We had talked about the following days, as it finished that way so unexpected. Doctors didn’t detect anything strange. What we thought, fatigue, nerves, stress, alcohol and probably suggestion. And after a week, almost forgotten.
Since that day, but, I felt a change at home. I felt nervous. As if home peace was not like "before." I noticed about things that not considered before.. Now, even a little things seemed me strange. And my "intuition" advised me caution. Fina has a hard character and don’t want to crush the “social peace”.
I took liking to Mari’s coffee. And that ass and those necklines and winks. Mary, I knew, separated by little, ended badly their previous relationship. She had a little girl and was in custody. Told me would never marry nor to trust a "guy”.
I was offered to help at any time if needed to talk to someone. Which made ​​smile. Blurted one day we would have dinner if I could. She knew I lived partner and had children. But she didn’t know much more, I would avoid. We were good ​​friends.
Once a month, fina had dinner with her ​​best friend. Ever more interwoven some more dinner. I was glad she’d retained that friendship. But was it necessary so many suppers?. Ocasionally, I felt silly and was suspicious. Jazztel people called very often. I agree, they are annoying, though. . .
A few days later of a bad day at work, I falled into depression. That was not the first time. And the days went by and I was falling apart. At home everyone was worried. Even Maria invited me to talk. She disliked watching me so discouraged.
I was irritable and angry with everyone. But not with Maria. There were the sweet moments of the day.
At home, Fina complained. She said children and her shouldn’t pay for it. And I dropped some indirect because Jazztel calls and dinners with "buddies". I came to tell if girlfriend had turned into "intimate.". And I received a slap. I guess I deserved.
Two weeks later, I felt better, I went to work without going through the Bar Capitán. I was arriving 20 minutes later. The day was going fast (if early in the morning I’m not relaxed, it’s difficult to carry the day). And the day was wrong. All my colleagues felt my cranky. I even had to apologize to Francesc, who always helps me.
And the phone rang. I picked it up reluctantly. And a familiar voice asked for me. Familiar. Amaizing, Maria.
-Hola corazón. Estás bien ?. Hoy no te he visto. Algún problema ?. (Hi darling. Are you ok?. I’ve not  seen you today. Any problem?)
- (I thought it was my chance). Geez Mari. What a surprise!. Nice luck that you called me. Only hearing you I’m better. I've got a family problem and I can’t explain.
-Joan : Ya sabes que puedes contar conmigo. Tenemos una cena pendiente. Recuerdas ?.(-John: You know that you can count on me. We have a pending dinner. Remember?.)
(Girl had memory. It was a great opportunity. However should look for a good excuse at home).
-Maria: One of these days I will invite you to have dinner. Because I need someone to talk  And with you I’m very relaxed. What do you think?.
-Ok John. Up to you.
(Ay, ay, ay, Maria. Had to work out what I was doing). At home was not perfect, but I admit I was a little strange. And after the visit to the psychiatrist last week, confirmed the doubts. In addition to depression, was bipolar. Thus justifying some character changes. (stupids doctors).
CHAPTER 2 ( hot dreams)
There was something that  worried me. I slept all in one go, which didn’t use to do. And dreams were not remembered. Normally slept well. Bit, but rested enough. While taking an antidepressant, sleep a little more, but that was all. Without saying so, I stopped taking the medication. It was more fun. And dreams were becoming disruptive (but more interestings). I woke up with a feeling. . . . I do not know how to say it. . . more decided. . .
One of the most common dream was to fly. Nobody could see me, however I could walk anywhere, house, or even within the bodies and influence the dreaming. Even detecting concerns, or more disturbing thoughts to his brains. Amazing. I had flown home while everyone slept. Went out, up and down and into any home. Neighbors watched, listened and I could participate in dreams. Knew what they liked or frightened. . .
I felt strong, sure of myself, and a little self-conscious. Well, I was maturating. In my 43 years seemed to be improving. Something had changed. Everyone paid ​​me attention, especially women. It was not bad looking, but not noted for my sympathy and my sex apeal. But with experience, it seemed that I was in my best moment. Even Fina said.
Maria told me I had rejuvenated. Good age. (I thought she made ​​me feel younger).
Fina had a date with Montse next Friday night. And I with Jordi (One of the gang. From Barcelona). I call him to demand a favor. . .
We should meet at 21:00 at Sant Andreu. I arrived at the meeting place on time. Maria arrived seven minutes later. Already suffered, because after all the preparation, I should return at home alone. . . .
I had never seen her so well dressed. Dark skirt, fitted, above the knee, which drew a very nice ass. Black stockings and black high heel shoes. An ecru shirt, which seemed very smooth. And a pending button that showed a familiar view.
I knew she wanted to like me. And it was very likely that after dinner, would be very “communicative”.
I just believed my dreams. And one of them, I visited Mari. I got even, make her feel strange. Noticed something. In my dream I saw her wearing a  Snoopy's shorts  pajama. And visited the girl's room, on the side of her. In fact, in that small apartment, it was all over. And spend inside her body, I stop trying to find something to her emotions. The waitress had a life beyond the bar. She kept thoughts of desire and concern. It couldn’t go further if not a dream.
I just needed just to dwell within her. Caused her feeling cold and strange. But it passed quickly. I knew that we felt well and could go further (I yet knew this ). She knew I had a partner and she could not risk too much. He was a little scared of falling in love. She had to be careful because she didn’t want to suffer for a man. She thought I was suffering with my relation and she / we wanted to help (us).
Had erotic dreams with me. I had a forced someone while dreaming. While she slept, I appeared in her dream while a young, he seemed like a famous actor, was going down the street. She didn’t know me, but we sat together at a cafe bar and started talking. We were sitting very close together, so my leg touched hers. She treated me very affectionately to make me feel at ease. I took care of her like princess with a finesse and exquisite tenderness. I was interested in what she said. I wanted to share with her. It seemed energetic connection.
I took ther hand and leaved the bar to go to a hallway on the left the premises, finished bar. Was quite narrow and dimly lit. I seemed to know, and she followed me with full confidence. He took me by the hand strong. Trust me. On the floor was a thick carpet that crashed while walking. Having walked an indeterminate distance (think we are in a dream) I face a door where there was no indication. I took the knob.
I went in without explanation and Maria followed me without asking. Could not see anything. We heard some noises difficult to identify. Were people. The size of the room was unknown. And no matter. While already inside, in the dark, , we noticed several hands. I supposed Maria too.
There wasn’t absolutely anything visible and almost sure I wasn’t the only object of desire. No scary. Seemed to be "normal." Mari took my arm and leaned his head closer to my shoulder. The hands seemed to seek. Occasionally find. The head, back, ass, pack. (identification of sex?). Neither knew who you played. Men, women, old, boys, gay?. Feeling of absolute freedom.
Complex nonexistent. Release. That produced an uncontrolled excitement to Maria, who said nothing Without seeing wrapped up by my waist, as guided in the darkness, and kneel to take off the cock. She wanted to lower my pants down. She should have some powers because she took less in the dark that I in front of the my house mirror .
She taked care of cock, putting her right hand underneath, like holding. With her left hand she was "cute" while taking measurements. And she put in the mouth.
My "baby" was growing. It would adapt "to Maria’s desire. She didn’t like very long. Would prefer thick.
Only wanted half of the “baby” into the “feeding trough”. When I was completely toughened, I was asked to lie down on the soft ground of our camera. She took off her skirt and shirt. The temperature was undetermined, so I guess the "desabillé" was not for the heat. With a little touch I thought she was in bra and thong, difficult to detect. I do not know what color.
Already lying on the ground, with a nice lady with a "savoir faire" worthy of admiration,she dedicate to me a blowjob. Those who you want to stop to nail it immediately.
Behind her, someone stood strategically. Played the ass while she resilience in their magical work. When focused on the top, she used a motion with her hand, preventing harm me, but slowly shaking his hand until it touched her lips. I was in a moment of "you go on". She enjoyed fully this situation (I guess she was, haha. Mental darkness jokes . .) with the hand, clung well to avoid falling at any side. (You can imagine that the balance is easy to lose in the dark). She made me  lie on the soft ground.
For his last, someone started fucking her without hesitation. After a few shakes of the alleged co-worker, Maria moaned as she rewarded my "child" and lifting his head momenta rily. After the first moments of sudden insight, felt the joy of my partner. The rhythmic motion of the companion helped Mary with her ​​blowjob. Just because she had only to manage her hand. The rest of transitive movements were worked by the fellow.
Behind neck I felt the presence of a character who was putting over my head, a girlfriend wanted to join the party. First touched my face and kissed me. A strange feeling, having someone supposedly woman, who is kissing you while someone is sucking and anotherone is fucking the sucker (unable to see anything. Imagine you going?). The girlfriend, I check it, was straddling over my head. I touched her ass, although in that position and situation, it was all fantastic. My imagination fitted me between two perverted "pearls" . (great). (what had happened if instead  a pussy, was a cock  being over my head?). All were feelings.
My new friend leaned forward Maria, while kept kneeling over me and let me introduce the tongue inside. The new friend talked Mari, I didnt’ understand the response . But I thought they were doing something nasty between them (was  a nice thinking).
I wanted to think they were kissing and crossing their tongues. Situation could afford. A stuck (for pussy or ass?. Should ask) while she sucked me. Now at times, since had accumulated more work. But a nice detail don’t let me go.
Meanwile, I surprised late addition with my tongue, like the "piece", could mold size. I thicken it and I drilled the hole fifteen centimeters. With the particularity that inside her (the tongue) I could contortion, while making heavy going. My powerful tongue was moving inside pressing all corners.
The new friend was telling Maria leave her unknown back friend  to stick my dick up and look at her The new girlfriend was put back right (while she was moving on me, I guess, was playing the boobs  and clitoris, while Mari apologized unexpected back friend and put my dick inside, was time.
Was mounted by Maria,  who was already wet, and my tongue was walking by newcomer pussy. I also conditioned cock to Maria’s pussy. Until she began to slow down their movements, because it was too much. Both bitches put their hands on my ribs while suck  their mouths.
They no longer controlled the situation. My rule was absolute and the two girls seemed  drugged. Their faces were contorted themselves while they were getting orgasms. No longer kissing. Only resting between them. I made them lie  on my side. They fell asleep with a complete relaxation.
I woke up that day  with stained pajamas. I don’t know Maria. And did the unknown girlfriend and the other unforeseen exist?
---  But we were in the appointment of Mari. Mari hired babysitter. She could return late. She was a bit anxious, but eager to please. She was very gentle and affectionate. Even grabbed my hand while we started to walk.
-Where are we going Maria?
-Yo pensaba que lo tenias todo planeado. ¿O acaso los banqueros no lo planificais todo?. ¿No íbamos a cernar?. (-I thought you had all planned. Bankers used to plan everything. Not ?. To have dinner?.
-Sorry. When you start walking gave me the impression that you were driving me. I've booked a table at a restaurant. Let's ride?. I prefer not to drive.
We went to the nearest taxi rank. And the taxi driver took us to the restaurant "La Parrilla del Infierno" (Grill hell) I liked the name. I was friend of the owner, a friend highly trusted. In addition, we had agreed that in case of "concord" I could use an apartment he had in the same block of the restaurant.
My friend had prepared a private room which was very difficult to be sighted by other customers. It was a time to be quiet and not aware of the bad luck.
The taxi dropped us in front of the restaurant. I opened the door to let her pass. A waitress, seemed East European, asked us if we had a reserve. Whan I  told  my  name, did not have to consult the notebook she was wearing. He knew where our table was. We followed the waitress without going through the area of the tables. The decor was very warm. With lots of wood, yellow light, warm colors paintings, rugs on the floor and old photos. The pictures were scenes of fire. Fires, field fires (with people around), Saint John’s bonfires, burning forests. Even a steaming dump. Many of them in sepia.
The route to our table did think Maria and me in the corridor of the cafe dream. But neither made ​​any comment. The girl in the restaurant invited us to enter a small room with a table beautifully decorated. (The colleague had prepared in detail. I should thank him. Lluis: I love you.).
I had a strange feeling. I had no bad conscience. Not for me or for her. Aside from good manners, Mari  fell me good, had clearly what I wanted, without worrying about if she could hurt (She wantek a crazy night. And I would try).
The chosen site was sensational. Bohemian. Well decorated. Discreet. My colleague told me to go there several times, but was not given the opportunity.
Once seated at the table with two candles alongside of it, soft light, the girl noted. She didn’t ask for drink. We did notice, but said he had instructions from his head. In two minutes she appeared with a bucket and a bottle of Jaume Codorniu. We were served two glasses of champagne, well chilled. With a smile of complicity left the room. We take the first course in 15 minutes. If we needed anything, we had to press a red button that was in the middle of the table. If we wanted the opposite, that did not enter anyone could press the black button.
At that site, Mari seemed different. I was feeling as if somehow she wanted to relive the emotions of the dream. As if she needed the "dose" of emotions. I was not too clear what I wanted. I knew only  what I did not want to let for another day.
The drink, after a glass and starting  the following, relaxed us a bit. My mind said to me she wanted hard drug. And I’d supply something hard.
The conversation came to a point of confidence. We drop over mutual claims. She did not want a relationship. Not with me. For my situation. For my part, I deeply appreciated her company and did not want to lose the relationship. But that night was to see how far I could get our connection (I thought that comment did not provide any doubts).
Dinner was more than pleasant. Since the approach allowed the two to meet the expectations of both without much tension. And she did not know that part of the power of dreams, the effect of experiences considered normal in size, marked deeper areas of the brain devoted to memory and influence in the primitive brain.
It was not necessary to raise the apartment I had booked. I press the black button and spent the latch of the door. (easier).
What happened to "dessert" was brutal. My sense of mastery, damn it!, My command of the situation, gave me an advantage that made ​​me feel very powerful. My opinions, and a kind of telepathy, avoiding almost any failure.
Right there. Against the wall. After the ground. Rolling. Fucking. Fucking inside the brain. She lost the sense of time and space. His dream and reality came together. Sublime pleasure. What she dreamed of as impossible. Continuous orgasms without further thought that the infinite pleasure. Continued teenager excitement, but magically real.
The physical exhaustion left us lying on the ground. She, when recovered  the conscience of the place and the time,  was a little scared. She had "gone" temporarily to another layer of consciousness. Very deep. So deep that would never understand, why and how it all happened.
The return to the respective houses was very silent. We needed time to think.
The next day we woke up in the respective beds. Mari was sore all over and full of scratches. The ardor has its drawbacks. I opened my eyes and saw Fina back. She had come home later than me. I do not know when.
I went to wash my face. And my body also seemed a map. And if anyone saw me, might suspect.
And cautiously, went back to normal.

Chapter 3 and final. (The power of the newcomer)
(Newcomer Mind).
My horse (symbolism of possession) had enjoyed until now. I needed to know  the brain of this poor bastard. A boring routine life. Fucking life. When you have the body, let time pass. When you haven’t a body, you are clear what to do, but you can not.
Although patience is not my main feature, I had taken over the primitive mind (the scientific sense) and had begun to control the brain new pool. Now I didn’t need to be careful to master this stupid. And I controlled the interesting whores to fuck. Now I could move to the second stage and enjoy. To enjoy my power.
A few days after the “Marian night”, having returned to normal, I returned to suffer stomach pain. I was very grumpy.
At home, Fina looked me askance. She felt something was wrong. At work, well, to say that I was not completely focused. People usually finded, bothered me. It was all boring. Fucking life.
Was losing appetite, and incidentally, I started to drink (as macho men). Often came home some “happyflower” and smelling alcohol. Was my right, my home. And it was my life.
Before going work I took a “cigaló” (coffee with rum). Much rum. To help bouring day. Mari looked at me just entering the bar, and at first oportunity, came to talk with me.  Always the same. I’ll fuch her to calm the girl. Surely would leave me alone
All whores. Money, fame or cock, that is. At least it was something known. (Hehe). If women would be the great bitch. And the country's president. This certainly would give me a red chair waiting for me in heaven of fun, hinges, murderers, thieves, rapists, pedophiles and skeptical salary preachers (go down). Needed people in hell.
(And the work nasty'inspector?.   I’ll . . ..)
Fina asked me to please go to the doctor. I frowned and looked very angry. Was normal. (Everyone was bothering me ).
And we appointed the doctor. And this led me to a psychiatrist. I didn’t accept the circuit. Everything was to spend on drugs that doctors prescribed for own benefit. I cited the psychiatrist without telling anyone. Even I gave a false name.
It was a Thursday and was cited at 6. In Barcelona. Had a bad day. I had theadache. And I got angry with a coworker. Annoying.
Passeig de Sant Joan (Saint John avenue). Why not down after Meridiana Av.?.  Could it be worse ?. The car in the workshop (I didn’t point exactly in the car park ). And everybody said it was all mental. I will now explain to the brain”storming” doctor (joking. Can’t I ?).

I arrived at a quarter to six . I pres interphone and opened without asking. When arriving on the 3rd floor, the door was ajar. Behind the door was the  secretary-nurse-first vision-friendly face, "hello how are you? - Is you. . . ?). YYYes. I do was. Show me the seats while said was the following. The girl deserved some crazy action (Suitable, right?) (Also we could satisfy).
hey had two people sitting in the hall of the small apartment, as conditioned psychiatric clinic. High ceiling. Old building.Repainted doors with paint thickness shown. Any wise painting. None of these were people. (..). And the sad trimming. If you get standing, look to see who is the colleague who will visit you.
Those two suspects, I did not know how to define them, because  I was there too, I could resolve them some problemes  I was very kind.
Was my turn. Passing in front of those two I felt like throwing up on them. But wholesale, as humorous films. Continuity like a water hose. The two elements motionless and unawares. (Why These thoughts??).
Fine. It was not the issue. Climbed my hand towards the doorknob ajar. Transpired white fluorescent light. Very clinical. I expected something more "relaxed."
The “psychy” was standing a few meters behind the door. Waiting for me. Younger than I expected. Glasses (expected). And too well groomed. (Gay?, pimp?, arrogant?).
-Good afternoon mr.Joan. Have you had a good day? (soft and kind).
-No. I guess that's why I come here. Something must not be right. My wife thinks so. 
Grave here and tell me what happens. I told himin my dreams until stomachaches. My mood swings and moments of comfort and security. Even my forays into Internet looking illness symptoms and my opinion about. Was it the forties crisis pressing ?, I was a little depressed and was very hot. Although Fina was sufficiently "collaborator". I did not comment on the first visit to a “psycho” where I was declared bipolar and even a bit schizophrenic. And “tableter”.
This man, very professional, made me talk about a lot of thinks. And even parents, marriage, children, work, my concerns, gaps, and medical history. And I asked permission to do me a hypnosis session.
That black lounger reclined until almost horizontal position. He gave me a pillow. I had to close my eyes. Listen to him and relax. And his voice was going away. . . wanted  sleeeep ..
(The black soul).
And that huge stupid dare to ask directly to me, the master of the asleep horse. This shit is capable of bothering me?. When the little doctor saw my black eyes suddenly opened up in the body of the Sleeping Beauty, stepped back with fear face (what a pleasure to observe that. Wanted to play a bit, only me, while being in a foreign body).
When he heard my guttural words (as their ears) and an unknown language, fell back and froze in terror. I got up on the lounger and I was sitting in a fast motion. I went down.
Only his eyes moved. That occasionally closed (..). I approached him while looking at his eyes and I grabbed his head, I break his neck slowly to enjoy the noises of crashing tendons separating from bones and joints, and giving a spin to the boot head. . . I saw blood coming out of that stump fired upwards. The face was wide-eyed and terrified and I left on the chair. Behind the table. It was a fun effect. It seemed faintly (..). The body, irrigation of blood and veins popping out  and threads outed due to stretching of neck, I left delicately on the lounger.
Going on for work. I picked a sort of long cutter had  the sucker –doc in a showcase . I went outside and looked both misters, sitting and watching me without making any gesture, was priceless. I went to them and they only raised hers hands while I spent the cutter by the first neck. Above the throat. And I stopped by to see how the blood came. And the bastard would not let me because he fell forward.
The other tried without being able to draw. The bitch don’t know where she was. The other man rose with a manifesto trembling legs. He could not walk. Fell before me. And helped may labor. Stapled hair to get it to weight. Watched my eyes with open mouth. I don’t know due to pulled hair or fear. And I stuck his head to the window that was behind him. Crystals did its part holding the head and the rest of the body.  I cut his  arms. To practice a bit. I gave it. Good tools and a good attitude, good work (..).
And now played satisfy other instincts, though less colorful, but no less fun. Addint two pleasures. Where was my lovely nasty bitch ?.
The lovely receptionist had time to see the second friend to smash the window. She did not want to wait to see the bucking pig. My dedication and finesse that I deal in these things. . .
She must be hidden. . . Eager to play. . . Slut and playful. Irresistible. To win, I would find  and then play the painters. (In case you do not know the game. Holes are covered first and then put the color. ..)
I skirted the small bar over the entrance. I opened the first door and I saw a guy with black eyes, fully black, occupiying throughout the visible eye. Of course frightened. I almost scares in that mirror. (..). It was the toilet. And suckergirl (superwoman) was not there. Next door had more possibilities because from the waiting room only had 3 visible doors, besides the one of the poor psiquis beheaded.
And yessss At the door was opened as a kind of archives room and a couple of machines that I couldn’t say what were they for. And in the right corner, just because against a window, the girl was sitting in the corner, his arms surrounding her body, knees almost touching the chin, the Rimmel sliding face down and shaking with excitement. Cautch you!!!!. Uh !
As she did not accept that had lost the game, I decided to take myself the prize. Stapled to the hair (dyed blonde) and I walk down the doctor hall A far more appropriate. Where was a couch.
The trembling, no word uttered, should react. With this shock she could became rigid. No dick, but the bitch. And although I had to take up the debt.
I put sitting on the couch. And she, instead of relaxing, watching the body of the beheaded on the lounger. And strangely, he did not grace!. I slaped her, it seems that it is the best . And like if you have not done anything. Gazing. . .

The human being, so fragile and so sensitive. . . (..). I put before her, I pulled the shirt and bra. I ripped her skirt and panties. This should encourage her , but not,  girl needed "injection" of morality.
The truth is that she wasn’t much wet but the emotion of the moment and provocation made ​​me fall in love. First, to warm up the occasion, I get back and I stuck with little patience. And she was not moving as I did. I assure you that the "messenger" visited completely the hole. Without removing it, I took her behind the sofa because could leaned with comfort. Hierarms weren’t too strong and leaned chest on the sofa, dropping her arms ahead. What can we do?. Everyone enjoys different. Then, to balance, I cover the other hole. Although it cost a bit more, we also filled. The blood did appear after the rupture of the meat from the hole entrance. Unintentionally. . . (..).
The silly didn’t move. Weak hearts crash easy. Finally. Yankees go home. . .
I had to put the professional cropped pants because my were. . . little dirty My sweater was also worthwhile, but it would cover jacket.
I left the building quietly. The sun blinded me and I put on sunglasses.  Day could be good Sure. Outside on the street grabbed my sleep. After sport . . . I slept on a bench in a park nearby. 10 minutes of glory.
At home, I said I was not very good and wanted to go straight to bed. Fina looked at me fixed and suspiciously.  Seemed to read into me. She wanted to talk to me. Now!. (Uau. Imposed). I satin the seat of the sofa. Uh, the jacket open, Fina had probably seen the blood.
TV was operational. The Voice Kids. Hey situation. An eleven year old girl warbling while Rosario scratchy the button and the red Star Treck chair gave the return. Bisbal and Malu  simulate the intention to touch the little button, but lacked a liiiittle biiit. . .
I heard steps behind me and waited the normal speech. If you were drunk?, Who should wash sweater?, You always late?. Was called at work and had been a long time had gone. . . ?
A large kitchen knife, who used to cut cheese, because you do not know which to use , in the hands of Fina, stuck in my belly. No comments prior. Fina stood before me, his eyes black. Argg !! I did not expect. She flip the knife while I seemed to hold it. I looked the blood and Fina. Had won. Intelligent. I was a psychopath declared. Also make sure after some weeds (blood in the jersey) had pain awareness and suicide was the only way.
The bad bitch, took advantage of the situation to make me out to stay alone (poor widow) without competition. And I returned to the hole 80 years?.
Was invaded by dizziness. The room light was reduced on TV. The TV girl cried while had taken the microphone with both hands. And Rosario said she had the best team.
(Women, they win in both dimensions. Nothing to do . . .)
