jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018


I asked the waiter about the name of the restaurant. His accent pointed out he was born near the Xerta town, a small village between the Ports Natural Park and the Ebro river. I visited it some years ago with my nephew in a walk tour from Horta de Sant Joan to Tortosa. We spend the night in Xerta after some beers with some local people. Really funny people like beautiful is the landscape.

I was yesterday in Xerta restaurant in Barcelona with some very good friends. I enjoyed talking with Pedro, Thiago, Santi, Pere and the rest of the group.

Was thinking about their lives, so different and so close. Someone worried because his wife was sick in the hospital, another thinking about his next retirement. Some curiosity faces because people they didn’t know and the nice flowing energy in the hall. That is, a meeting with bright energy, Pedro energy, kind people.

What did companions think about me?. “Conchale” I’ll think about it or I’ll simly be glad of the soiree. Moments, networking, open mind, loving life.


Resultat d'imatges de XERTA

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